Awoke to a perfect autumn day and decided to stroll around the expansive gardens of the Chateau de Versailles. There were huge crowds just to get a train ticket and in the end I just jumped on not paying. I arrived at the chateau to find an enormous queue for an entrance ticket, then another queue to get into the chateau grounds. I decided to give it a miss and returned to Paris and go to the Musee D'Orsay. Another huge crowd. I went to movies instead. The crowds are starting to annoy me. That's why I have not bothered before with the big three - Louvre, Musee D'Orsay and Versailles.
Besides the crowds another big change is that it has become a city of bikes. There are 1400 bike stations, 20,600 bikes and a bike station every 300 meters. The locals can pay a yearly subscription of about A$50 and have unlimited and free use of bikes for the first 30 minutes. So now not only will the cars run you over but the bikers will too.