Ouch! I have sore feet from all the walking.
I wandered the four and a half km length of the Saint Martin Canal. It was opened in early 1800s and narrowly escaped being filled in and paved over for a highway in the 1960s.
This evening I went to a cafe where I was never served and never understood why and so went to the movies instead.
In 'Pariscope' -the weekly events guide - I counted up 267 different movies showing this week.
C'mon - you can't have Paris AND good service - but I hope one cancels out the other. The canal is so pretty...
The French ignored you because they thought you were probably English & worse still a Yank! I would have been sooo embarassed not being served & having to leave hungry. Maybe, you order at the counter & the food will be brought to you. Still a movie sounds like a good alternative. Hope you got something to eat in the end.
Clarence x
Il me semble tellement il y a bien longtemps maintenant. Le canal st martin est près de ce qui était chez moi quand j'étais à Paris. Pendant mon dernier jour à Paris, c’étais seulement le 9 Juillet, je me bien souviens être sur ce pont ici (Quai de Valmy) lorsque les ports se sont ouvertes pour laisse passer des bateaux. C’était très joli. Ah…Paris, je t’aime!
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